
Single Logout in Shibboleth IdP

142 bájt hozzáadva, 2009. augusztus 26., 17:08
How to build
** you can use the convenient snapshot links below to start playing
** if you are brave enough, feel free to clone the whole repository and track our development branches (frontchannel-slo for the idp project and slo-configuration branch for the shibboleth-common project)
* compile the shib-java-common project first with the <code>mvn -DskipTests install</code> command(the first build might take quite a long time if you haven't used maven before)
* compile the java-idp project with the same maven command
* install the <code>java-idp/target/shibboleth-identityprovider-{version}-bin.zip</code> binary packagethe same way as you'd install a vanilla Shibboleth IdP bundle
=== Released versions ===

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