
Single Logout in Shibboleth IdP

127 bájt hozzáadva, 2009. augusztus 18., 12:56
Session lifetime: Add a sentence about SAML1
'''IdP session lifetime must be longer than any SP session lifetime'''. Otherwise, if an SP session outlives the IdP session and the user reauthenticates for a new session for other SPs, logout would not terminate session at the first SP.
The IdP can limit the maximum lifetime of the SP session by using the (optional) <code>SessionNotOnOrAfter</code> property in the SAML2 authentication statement. SAML1.1 does not have this feature, so '''you cannot limit the session lifetime for SPs using Shibboleth SSO protocol.'''
This can be set in the <code>relying-party.xml</code> by specifying the number of milliseconds in the '''<code>maximumSPSessionLifetime</code>''' attribute of the '''<code>SAML2SSOProfile</code>''' configuration.

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