
Drupal Shibboleth module

977 bájt hozzáadva, 2009. május 7., 11:46
Logging out: Notes on SAML2 logout
==== URL to redirect to after logout ====
Define an URL here, where you want the user to be navigated after logout. The URL can be absolute or relative to the server base url. The relative paths will be automatically extended with the site base URL.  ==== SAML2 Logout ====At the moment, Shibboleth2 SP supports SAML2 logout while the Shibboleth2 IdP does not. It has a consequence that (if you have a standard Shibboleth2 installation), you will get a Shibboleth error message on logout, like this: Global Logout Status of Global Logout: Identity provider does not support SAML 2 Single Logout protocol.You can avoid this message by commenting out SAML2 global logout initiator from <code>/Logout</code> handler in <code>/etc/shibboleth/shibboleth2.xml</code>:<source lang="xml"> <!-- LogoutInitiators enable SP-initiated local or global/single logout of sessions. --> <LogoutInitiator type="Chaining" Location="/Logout" relayState="cookie"> <!-- The following line should be commented out to make Drupal logout work, as long as your IdPs do not support SAML2 logout --> <!--LogoutInitiator type="SAML2" template="bindingTemplate.html"/--> <LogoutInitiator type="Local"/> </LogoutInitiator></source> 
=== Automatic role assignment ===
It's possible to assign roles to users based on their Shibboleth attributes.

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