
Attribute Specification

10 bájt hozzáadva, 2012. január 31., 17:02
Goal of the Attribute Specification
== Goal Purpose of the Attribute Specification this document ==
In a federation, information about the user is represented in SAML attributes transferred from the Identity Provider to the Service Provider. It is important for both parties to interpret the data in the same way.
Exact definition definitions of the attributes are maintained in the defining schemas. Within this specification, we us use the following schemaschemas:
* ''person'', ''organizationalPerson'' (X.521)
* ''inetOrgPerson'' (RFC2798)
* ''niifPerson'', ''niifEduPerson'' ([[NIIFSchema]])
This Attribute Specification provides an ''interpretation'' of the above documents defined attributes for federational their usewithin the federation. It might be somewhat more specific than the original definition, in order to let the SPs get more specific information about the user.
Beyond the specification, parties may bilaterally agree on any other attributes.

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